Bridging the Gap Between College and Law School: Strategies for Success will help pre-law and current law students make the transition from their undergraduate experience to law school learning. Unlike other "introduction to law school" texts, Bridging the Gap (BTG) offers a different approach because it does three things. First, BTG explains the why of law school, so students understand the process of legal learning. Second, BTG explains the “how” of the law by giving students a process to learn the law. Finally, BTG explains the “what” of the law, giving students an opportunity to practice this new method of "learning the law" with practice problems and exams.
This third edition of Bridging the Gap adds something new in helping students identify how they might learn or study best by exploring different learning styles to further facilitate the law school learning process.
Most other “introduction to law school” books only provide general advice. On the other hand, subject specific aids offer only black letter law and some practice problems, but fail to explain the overall context or provide a problem solving process. Bridging the Gap does all three – it provides the context, the process and the problems. Written by two law school professors who used these techniques with thousands of law students, Bridging the Gap is a guide to what really works in law school.
The what, why and how of:
Preparing for Law School
The Law School Experience – Chapter 1
What is your Learning Style – Chapter 2
Preparing for Class
Reading and Briefing Cases – Chapter 3
Note-taking in Law School – Chapter 4
Preparing for the Exam
Putting it all together: Synthesis – Chapter 5
Outlining in Law School – Chapter 6
Flowcharting – Chapter 7
Tips on Exam Preparation – Chapters 8 & 9
Surviving and Thriving in Law School
Time Management Skills – Chapter 10, and
Additional Strategies for Success – Chapter 11
What Else Can I Expect in Law School? – Chapter 12
Importance of Gaining Legal Experience – Chapter 13